Sunday, September 28, 2008


Esophagitis refers to the inflammation of esophageal mucosa.Common symptom is heart burn. Esophagitis is classified as Acute & Chronic Esophagitis. Now depending upon the fact that you are suffering from Chronic or Acute here is the treatment

1 ) ACUTE ESOPHAGITIS : Is caused by ingestion of irritating agent like alcohol , spicy food & also by intubation.The condition may persist for 1-2 days.

A ) Dietary treatment include consumption of liquids.The individual is asked to be on a liquid diet for a day or two.

B ) Also citrus fruits like orange , sweet lime & spices like pepper , chilli powder should be avoided.

C ) Tomato Juice or soup should be avoided.

D) Milk & Curd should be taken.

2 ) CHRONIC ESOPHAGITIS : Chronic esophagitis is a result of recurrent gastroesophageal reflux due to hiatal hernia or reduced lower esophageal pressure ( LES) or by recurrent vomiting.Condition persists for a long period .

A ) Dietary treatment include avoidance of Citrus fruits & vegetables

B) Also avoidance of alcohol, chocolates, coffee, spicy food & fried foods.

C) Other measures include reduction of weight .

D) Avoidance of tight fitting clothes especially after meals.

E ) Avoidance of lying down on bed immediately after eating meals and quiting smoking.

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